TOSAN Techno


TOSAN TECHNO achieved #177 among top 500 Iranian companies

The gathering of top Iranian companies known as IMI-100 was held on Sunday, February 14th at the International Conference Center of IRIB.   This gathering is held by the Industrial Management Organization with the aim of introducing ...

14 Feb 2021

The annual general meeting of TOSAN TECHNO was held

The annual general meeting of the TOSAN TECHNO for the fiscal year 2020 was held with the presence of shareholders at the company's headquarter. You can see some pictures from the meeting below.  

20 Jan 2021

How TOSAN TECHNO is responding to COVID-19 or Coronavirus

In the days of Coronavirus contagion in different countries, the different conditions have created for a wide range of businesses. in Iran, various companies have considered various strategies to prevent the spread of the disease. With this ...

17 May 2020

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